Friday, July 19, 2019

EulumdatTools updated to Eclipse 2019-06

EulumdatTools is updated to Use Eclipse 2019-06

EulumdatTools is using the Eclipse application framework and that updates to a new version every quarter. This means 32 bit versions for Windows and Linux are discontinued, but old versions will stay available. We follow the recent upgrade to version 2019-06 to take advantage of all speed and stability upgrades.

New features in this version

  • You can modify the editor syntax colors to suit your taste
  • You can set the editor to the fashionable Dark Theme.
  • Several bugs were removed in the validators that occured under non-standard conditions.
  • The Sandbox feature is installed as standard, please try these new features and provide feedback

Please download a new binary from below update site


Registered users and new users should download the new version. New users can apply for 30 day free evaluation license at the installation site

Installation of EulumdatTools

For use in Eclipse you can use the standard Eclipse update site For stand alone RCP versions of EulumdatTools choose your platform and perform update after installation.:

Installation of Sandbox Feature

Select menu Help / Install New Software... and choose the Eulumdat Tools Sandbox / Sandbox Feature, press Next and follow through with the installation. Also see here